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Our strategic plan
meets critical needs

 Strategic Plan FY 2023-2025 – Goals and Objectives


August 1, 2023 – Final Board-Approved Version


Goal 1: Define and monitor success criteria for our Really Affordable Housing program’s first (pilot) house in DeKalb County for long-term subsidized affordable housing for 3 low-income men.


Objective 1-1 Research and then define by September 1, 2023, our success criteria for the program – including tenant housing & case management support satisfaction,

tenant frequency and success in transitioning, post-transitioning success.


Objective 1-2 Use data from our housing-to-date tenants by October 1, 2023, for securing any next tenants, marketing and fundraising strategies.


Goal 2: Strengthen and expand our Rapid Housing program.


Objective 2-1 Review and make any updates to our current listing of the key characteristics/needs of the people we want to help by September 1, 2023


Objective 2-2 Evaluate each of our partnerships/collaborations with reputable agencies/ministries by October 1, 2023.  Based on those evaluations, develop a plan by November 1, 2023, for on-going semi-annual monitoring and expanding of partnerships.


Objective 2-3 By October 1, 2023, collaborate with Threshold Ministry to provide help with various applications for unhoused people who could be housed if they could get assistance with applications. Enlist Rapid Housing Volunteers (a new formal category) to meet clients biweekly to help with ID help, housing applications, Section 8 (HCV vouchers) etc.


Objective 2-4: Hire a part-time Rapid Housing Assistant by September 1, 2023, to assist board member(s) who currently manage the Rapid Housing program, to serve as a Friendly Visitor, and to be one of the trainers and supporters of other Friendly Visitors, Volunteers, and the Rapid Housing Volunteers.

Objective 2-5 Recruit, train, and support 5 new Friendly Visitors by June 1, 2024, and at least 5 more by June 1, 2025.


GOAL 3:  Support cold weather programs for 2023-24 and 2023-25.


Objective 3-1:  Collaborate with DeKalb County, the City of Decatur, and organizations serving DeKalb County to plan for best ways to house people during the cold weather.  Undertake this collaboration no later than September 15th of 2023.


Objective 3-2:  Provide expertise, volunteers, and Sign-Up Genius training by December 1, 2023, to a collaborating partner(s) who is providing cold weather support.


Objective 3-3: Provide Cold Weather assistance in the form of sleeping bags, MARTA cards, and other supplies to be distributed directly by AHFEID or through partners such as Threshold Ministry and the Decatur Recreation Center (TBD).


Goal 4: Play a convening role in advocating for and then securing a year-round overnight dormitory for women in DeKalb County.


Objective 4-1:  From last spring’s preliminary planning by the RAH Committee, formalize a new subcommittee of RAH - Women’s Dormitory Committee by September 1, 2023

Objective 4-2:  Between July 1 and September 30, 2023, connect with key county agencies and faith-based organizations to explore options for creating a new night shelter – aka dormitory in DeKalb County for women experiencing homelessness (preliminary target to open – July 1, 2024.

Objective 4-3:  Based on the outcome of the “Women’s Dormitory for DeKalb,” exploration, either develop a capital campaign and annual operating expense Resource Development strategy by January 1, 2024, for AHFEID - assuming another organization would be the lead/operating one – or postpone implementing goal and re-explore again in the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Goal 5: Build the sustainability of our 501(c)3 organization.


Objective 5-1:  Following the adoption of this Strategic Plan, develop within one month a comprehensive two-year Resource Development Plan (funds, personnel, volunteers etc.) to support these goals and objectives.


Objective 5-2:  Following the adoption of this Strategic Plan, develop within one month a comprehensive two-year Communications Plan (web site, enews, speaking, etc.) to support these goals and objectives.


Objective 5-3:  Based on the findings of our October 2022 organizational assessment, develop, by October 1, 2023, a set of realistic improvement sub-objectives to be achieved by June 30, 2024, and another set to be achieved by June 30, 2025.


Objective 5-4:  Make standard an annual assessment of our current Board member’s skills, diversity characteristics, and capacities by September 15 of each year and then recruit at least 4 more committee members (as prospective future Board ones) by December 15th each year.

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