Faulk Harrison was one of our first clients to move into the "Home For Everyone" house in December. We talked about what life was like for him before he moved into the house.
“I moved to Atlanta in 2017 and during that time, I stayed at every motel in DeKalb county, which cost me about $500 a week. That was all the money I had. It wasn’t a stable life at all because I would run out of money and then have to move out and in the meantime, figure out what to do with my things.
I felt that I was being beaten to death, trying to get by. It was cold outside and I would alternate between sleeping outside and sleeping in motels.“
“When I moved into A Home For Everyone in DeKalb’s house, it gave me some extra money and I was able to stabilize myself. I went from having nothing at all to having a room, and it gave me extra money so I could eat out a little bit and I could have a little life again.”
“My goal was to get my own place and to stabilize my situation, to stop having to go back and forth between the streets and the motel. While living there, the case worker, Kenny, helped me get signed up for MARTA Mobility. It was a long process of about 3-4 months and I had to get letters from several doctors and then, I had to take a test at the MARTA office, to see if I really did qualify.
Now they pick me up from where I live and then take me where I want to go. You have to pay $4 each way for the service. “
He recently moved out of the house and into his own apartment.
“Annie Godfey told me about an apartment and I filled out the application for a handicapped unit.
They helped me get moved in and helped me get donated furniture for my new apartment. Someone helped me get my address changed and helped me get my stuff from my storage unit.”
In his new apartment, Faulk proudly shows off his family pictures and plaque honoring his years working at an insurance company.
“I learned how much money you need to get into an apartment, 3 times rent in income. Unfortunately, the apartments I wanted to move into were $1500 a month and I couldn't afford it. It was a long ride, but I’m grateful to be here.”