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  • Writer's pictureNatalie Snedden

The Road to Stability; A Message from the Executive Director. By Dr. Tammy Hughes, PhD, MSW

Updated: Apr 4

Imagine living on the street and needing non-emergency medical attention but lacking the means to reach a clinic. Or learning of a service center offering a warm place to sleep and a meal, only to realize you don’t have the fare to get there. Lack of access to transportation can also mean a lack of access to critical resources – a reality that severely impacts those experiencing homelessness, and it can be a significant barrier to stability and progress.

Getting There

At A Home For Everyone In DeKalb (A Home), we have a cadre of volunteer drivers who have provided rides to Warming Centers for those with mobility challenges throughout this harsh and extended winter season. These charitable chariots have also regularly transported the personal property of our unhoused neighbors (very often everything they own) to the Warming Centers which allow temporary storage. A Home also provides highly sought-after public transit passes purchased through MARTA’s Transportation Assistance Program.As a result of our MARTA partnership, we purchase transit passes at a discounted rate and then provide bus/train tickets at no cost to individuals experiencing homelessness and other low-income families in need.

Next Stop

Always in collaborative mode, A Home has also partnered with DeKalb County District 1 Commissioner Robert Patrick to pilot a homeless mobile response program.The DeKalb Advocacy and Solutions for Homelessness (DASH) program will reduce barriers to access to resources for our unhoused neighbors through transportation of persons and property to service centers where medical care, mental health support, and housing assistance are available.With DASH, A Home aims to bridge the gap that hinders long-term success for those experiencing homelessness.

Beyond the Ride

I hope you will take a few moments to view the touching interview of a woman with mobility challenges also experiencing homelessness, the tireless volunteer (also A Home board member) providing transportation, and the unique bond they have formed.The brief video showcases the profound impact cultivated through their “ride-sharing” experiences. View that video here:By focusing on collaboration, A Home looks to co-create a true path to safe and affordable housing for those struggling to get out of homelessness, while at the same time preventing as many as possible from falling in! If you are also committed to collaborative change, please visit our website at to identify where you can plug in, or email us at

Together, we can achieve: A Home For Everyone In DeKalb!

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